Band can be great, and awful at the same time… but it’s sometimes worth it.

Funny thing happened this last Friday night at the High school’s football game. We went and played a school that had not seen our particular band for 15 years. The band was told that the people in attendance really liked, “Good marching bands.” When we got there and were getting warmed up for half-time, we were told by the other school’s athletic director that we couldn’t, “…march because you may mess up our field.” Many problems with that statement, first of all our field is almost identical and we would normally march, no matter how muddy and slippery it was. Second, the football players didn’t tear up the field??? We were somehow going to tear it up worse than the football players??? Really, no.

On the good side, we did have, in my opinion, the most energetic and emotional football game yet this year. It was our team’s first away win and it was the closest game this year. Everyone in the stands was really into the game at about the 4th Quarter when we were down 5 points, and in the last couple minutes, get a touchdown and a 2 pt conversion. Very exciting time that I was a bit happy that I was in band and “had” to see this game.

4 thoughts on “Band can be great, and awful at the same time… but it’s sometimes worth it.

  1. I enjoyed reading this post because I am not in band so I got to see a different perspective of the football game, and it made a good point about how the “not being able to march on a field that football players had been playing on” comment made no sense.


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